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Brain Networks

Published: at 10:00 AMSuggest Changes

Note: Due to some unavailibity in resources, I have stopped working on this project. However, I will continue in the future when I have better knowledge, tools, and connection to tackle the problem here. Also, some content will still be udpated. 2016/06/16.

I think the mystery of networks is the mystery of human brains. I have three point of views about the human brain: biological neuronal network, brain functional network, and artifical neural network modeling. In order to understand how a brain works, we need to understand not only the individual operation of a single biological neuron, but also their operation as a complex network. One of the limitation we have today in brain research is the level of detail we can get from our own brain. For example, even the most advanced technique such as BOLD fMRI can only produce macro-level data (compared to neuronal level). On the other hand, abeit the scale, data received from brain imaging techniques is extremely noisy. Recent advancements in deep neural network have shown promising result in learning underlying structure in noisy data. However, deep neural network requires special machines and the model is very task-specific (not flexible). Another more traditional approach is to apply statistical learning techniques on brain data. In this project, I am particularly interested in applying probabilistic inferencing to infer functional connection from the EEG data. The main target of the project is to provide researcher and medical doctor with a programmable tool that given a brain parcellation and EEG settings, it can accurately infers the functional connection between regions of the brain.



Reading list

Biological neural network and neuroscience research

Brain functional network, network science, and information theory

Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, and (esp.) Deep learning

Julia and Probabilistic programming

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