Hoang NT
I am a research scientist at the Precision Health Group, University of Tokyo. My academic interest is in studying graph techniques to address system biology problems, specially in understanding the systems that cause aging as well as promote healthy aging. I am doing a part-time PhD in Biomedicine.
I co-founded Perioms, where we work toward a disease-free world through low-cost solutions to prevent non-communicative diseases and repurpose generic formula drugs.
Selected Publications
My publications can be found on Google Scholar or ResearchMap.
Machine Learning
- [ICML20] Graph Homomorphism Convolution
- [NeurIPS21] Learning on Random Balls is Sufficient for …
- [NeurIPS24] Deep Homomorphism Networks
- [Sleep Medicine V.115] Validity and reliability of the Oura Ring …
I do gym and cycling. If you need a buddy to cycle around 200km+ (per day) in Japan, ping me. My world-view is mainly influenced by Fukuzawa Yukichi (teen), Thomas Sowell (20-ish), and Marcus Tullius Cicero (now).
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